This semester, the Dendrologiska Utskottet (DU) initiates a series of lectures on the theme ”Plants around the globe”! Once a month, we will arrange a lecture with an invited speaker, with focus on trees or other plants in a particular part of the world. Open for everyone!
And our first lecturer is…
Associate Professor John Rayner
In this presentation John will explore Australian trees, with an emphasis on those in natural systems and trees in the urban forest. He will look at the distribution of vegetation communities across the country; describe the main tree genera and species commonly used; and conclude with a discussion of the urban forestry movement in Australia.
Associate Professor John Rayner is Director of Urban Horticulture at the University of Melbourne. His research and teaching interests are based around the design and use of urban plants, particularly shrubs, climbers and ground cover plants, green roofs and facades, therapeutic landscapes and children’s gardens. John is a passionate educator, has published widely, regularly acts as a consultant and in his spare time is a keen gardener. He is currently on sabbatical at SLU Alnarp.