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March Union Meeting

13 mars, 2024 @ 13:00 - 17:00

On Wednesday 13/3 13:00 in Terra Nova, Agricum it is time for the March Union Meeting.
The March Union Meeting is a meeting where all members can vote in new people on posts and take on new posts in the Student Union. Every year the Student Union has four big meetings called “Storkårmöte” or Union Meeting. One in October, December, March and May. For the March Union Meeting most of the posts available are either refills or posts beginning their period in July this year.
In the excel document you can see the available posts marked with blue. If you apply for one of those posts you will be applying for a post with the mandate period of 1st of July 2024 – 3rd of June 2025. That means that you can apply for the post now but you won’t take over any responsibility until July.
The posts marked with yellow are posts you can apply for where the mandate period already has started and you take over the responsibility after the meeting.
How to sign up for a post:
1. Write your full name by the post that you want to have
2. Attend the meeting
If you do not write your name in the excel sheet you won’t have priority for the post. If you are more people than vacant spots in the post there will be a vote during the meeting. And the winner gets the post.
3. If no one is written on the post you may ask to have it during the meeting if you change your mind last minute.
If you can’t attend the meeting but want to apply for a post you can send a proxy to: sek_ask@stud.slu.se. This way you can get voted into a post without attending the meeting.
Link to the excel document:
All students at campus Alnarp are welcome to attend the meeting but only members of the Union (Alnarps Studentkår) are able to vote.
This event is a great opportunity to get insight in the union and to get more involved. We will also have free fika and coffee there.
After the March Union meeting you can attend the gathering in the Union house!
We hope to see you Wednesday 13/3 13:00!


13 mars, 2024
13:00 - 17:00


ASKs styrelse


Terra Nova